"Principal Apprentice for the Day!!!", Seventh Annual Warrior Will Fun Fair, Auctions (Holy Name of Mary Parent Council)

Seventh Annual Warrior Will Fun Fair Item: "Principal Apprentice for the Day!!!"
  • From: Mrs. Keene, Holy Name School Principal, Value: $250, Minimum Bid: $50, Increment: $10
    Current Bid
    "Principal Apprentice for the Day!!!"
    The winning student gets to shadow Mrs. Keene for a day, assisting with tasks like announcements, leading classroom visits, meeting parents and guests as they arrive; conducting meetings with community members and meeting with our partners with the Early Learning Centre upstairs. The auction winner will also receive lunch from Mrs. Keene, participate in meetings (appropriate for their age, of course), and get a certificate to commemorate the experience. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity!!!
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Bidding Opens
May 26, 2025 7:00 AM
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